People often ask where ideas come from. Today we present the story of one of Annel's ideas.

The year 2014 was snowy, Christmas is coming and the ball started rolling. One bullet came, then another and
the third until a healthy baby was born. A dot became a post, a post a three-dimensional rattle. The ball in the head of 2017 had long ago spun and got tired of its roundness. If the alien is complicated, it must be reduced. With a few cuts, the round snow became a flat snowflake. The permutations are endless.

The long-sought fractal movement finally began to take shape. Both Snow and Snowflakes are based on a hexagon, by reducing the patterns and increasing the motifs, an infinite number of different patterns are possible with fractal movements.

In 2021, the third measurable tended to return to the picture. The endless world of 3D printing. Thank you
the use of the ball joint is possible to communicate the motif of the snow flower with each other but at the same time
ready unprecedented mobility. The essence of this collection is Nordic crispness and beauty,
snow structure.

The Snowflakes 3D collection is an evolution of the two-dimensional pattern, but
at the same time, it is a step back to the Snow collection. By adding the third dimension, see cf
general image, but the structure and shine characteristic of snow remains. 3D printing gives you what you don't have
have been before. New technological dimensions are opening up. It's a wonder that a snow flower even exists.
Lume ideekavand
Snowflowers idea sketch